Monday, March 25, 2013

Theme of Chains

Finally, my last assigned post on Chains!! Unfortunately, it's about theme. Ugh.

I think the theme of Chains is 'be strong.' I say this because Isabel went through so many hardships and walked out with her head (sometimes hung low) intact. She lost her sister because of Mrs. Lockton, and yet she carried on. True she retaliated and got branded because of the retaliation, she still carried on. She never gave up, she kept on fighting. This goes for the time she carried Lady Seymour out of the fire, too. She could have been weak and just saved herself but, she was strong and she saved both herself and Lady Seymour, starting a friendship (as friendly as a owner and slave can be with one another, I guess. Slavery must come with some resentment) with her. Any other hardship in the book Isabel faced, wether physical, like when she got locked in a wooden barrel which she overcame by literally being strong and kicking out of it, or an emotional hardship, like losing Ruth's bear, which she overcame by focusing on other things and not looking back on it.
As you can see, Isabel is a very strong character and that is the theme, most definitely.

Until Next Week/Day/Few Days,

*Coming Next* A review of an overrated book called Chains. I'm not sure if you've heard of it.

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